Warning: Declaration of table_forum_post::update($tableid, $pid, $data, $unbuffered = false, $low_priority = false, $first = NULL, $invisible = NULL, $fid = NULL, $status = NULL) should be compatible with discuz_table::update($val, $data, $unbuffered = false, $low_priority = false) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_forum_post.php on line 882
Warning: Declaration of table_forum_post::delete($tableid, $pid, $unbuffered = false) should be compatible with discuz_table::delete($val, $unbuffered = false) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_forum_post.php on line 882
Warning: Declaration of table_forum_post::insert($tableid, $data, $return_insert_id = false, $replace = false, $silent = false) should be compatible with discuz_table::insert($data, $return_insert_id = false, $replace = false, $silent = false) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_forum_post.php on line 882
Warning: Declaration of table_forum_post::fetch($tableid, $pid, $outmsg = true) should be compatible with discuz_table::fetch($id, $force_from_db = false) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_forum_post.php on line 882
Warning: Declaration of table_forum_post::fetch_all($tableid, $pids, $outmsg = true) should be compatible with discuz_table::fetch_all($ids, $force_from_db = false) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_forum_post.php on line 882
Warning: Declaration of table_forum_post::update_cache($tableid, $id, $idtype, $data, $condition = Array, $glue = 'merge') should be compatible with discuz_table::update_cache($id, $data, $cache_ttl = NULL, $pre_cache_key = NULL) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_forum_post.php on line 882
Warning: Declaration of table_common_member::insert($uid, $username, $password, $email, $ip, $groupid, $extdata, $adminid = 0) should be compatible with discuz_table::insert($data, $return_insert_id = false, $replace = false, $silent = false) in /home/ztd/web/si/sifuzhai.com_024423/source/class/table/table_common_member.php on line 14
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